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Author Archives: Neal Locke
$300 Websites – Now Open for Business!
Ok, so I don’t usually hawk products or services on my blog, just ideologies. BUT… I get asked on a fairly regular basis if I do webdesign or webconsulting, and I do–I just haven’t been very organized or “systematic” about … Continue reading
Posted in Web 2.0, webdesign
Tagged $300 Websites, 300 dollar websites, web consulting, webdesign
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Jesus Who?
This post was inspired by Pastor Ellen (one of my last remaining Methodist Pastors) who emailed me the following question as she prepares for a class: Did Jesus know who he was and what he was going to do on … Continue reading
Open Letter to Joe Satriani from a Former Fan
Dear Satch, I’ve been a loyal fan since I was in high school — when I played the song Always With Me, Always With You so many times I wore out and broke my cassette tape (I realize I’m dating … Continue reading
Posted in copyright, Music, Pop-Culture
Tagged Coldplay, copyright, guitar, Joe Satriani, Music
Lo! I am the Monster (Rowr).
When I left teaching behind several years ago, I made a commitment to myself not to leave Shakespeare behind as well. Shortly afterward, I successfully auditioned for and then played the role of Friar Laurence in a Frisco Community Theater … Continue reading
Posted in Literature, Seminary, Shakespeare
Tagged Caliban, drama, Shakespeare, Tempest, Theater, Tolkien
Twitter as Scholia
Last month, during Jan Term, I had an interesting conversation at a lunch-gathering with my Pseudo-Dionysius professor, Dr. Paul Rorem and a few other students. We started off talking about the inauguration, and I mentioned that I would be watching … Continue reading
Thoughts on Inauguration, Obama, and the USA
I couldn’t resist the opportunity to blog about today’s historic inauguration of Barack Obama. If I didn’t, I might regret it later. Of course, with that said, all inaugurations are historic, just for different reasons. Anyhow, here are some of … Continue reading
Posted in Immigration, Politics, Superheroes