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Author Archives: Neal Locke
In my Church History class, we have recently moved from the early era of the persecuted church into the era of the church-in-bed-with-the-empire. This also happens to be the era of creeds. I get the sense that for many, this … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity, Church, Ordination, Presbyterian
Tagged church history, creeds, heresy, nicaea, Ordination
At the Beginning of the Road
Today was the first day of classes for the fall semester — marking the beginning of my first (junior) year as a seminary student at Princeton Theological Seminary. Since I last posted about my fall schedule, I’ve made a few … Continue reading
Presbymeme II
Bruce Reyes-Chow, who is to the Presbyterian Church what Jesus was to mankind, but without the whole divinity thing [ducks in anticipation of things being thrown at him], and who also happens to be our very serious and distinguished moderator, … Continue reading
Fall Classes
Even though I’m still in the thick of Summer Greek, I managed to register for classes this week, along with all the other incoming Juniors here at Princeton Theological Seminary. Almost all of the classes are required, so I didn’t … Continue reading
A Public Apology
Walking the line between confident self-expression and pompous diatribe is tricky (ironically enough, “diatribe” comes from a Greek word that means “waste of time”). This is certainly true of blogs in general, and mine specifically. Last week, I crossed that … Continue reading
Posted in Blogging, Greek, Reflection, Seminary
Tagged apology, Education, Greek, pedagogy, Princeton Theological Seminary
Vow of Silence
The day I was born (according to my mother) one of the doctors listened to my loud cries and quipped, “That kid’s ALL mouth!” And somehow that characterization has followed me ever since. I have an old cassette tape recording … Continue reading
Posted in Autobiographical, goals, monasticism, Reflection
Tagged monasticism, silence, trappists, vows
How (Not) to Teach Greek
***Please Only Read this Post in Conjunction with This One, Published Shortly Afterward.*** That may seem like an audacious title coming from someone only three weeks into Summer Greek in his first year of seminary, so let me preface: I’m … Continue reading