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Category Archives: Life
Jonah Sawyer Mitchell Locke
As of today, Baby Locke 3.0 is no longer in beta! Jonah Sawyer Mitchell Locke was born this morning at 9:58am, weighing 9lbs 2oz, and measuring 21 inches long. He was born on Friday, December 16th (the last day of … Continue reading
Posted in Baby, Family, Fatherhood, Jonah, Life
SecondLife, New Church Development in the PCUSA, and Discerning my Calling
What follows is my application essay for a PCUSA New Church Development Discernment Conference this October, answering the simple question “Why do you want to attend this event?” Since it marks some major changes (or clarification) in my thinking, and … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity, goals, Life, Presbyterian, Second Life
Just a Quick Warm-Up Post
So my break from the blog was a little longer than my break from classes. But I’m still here, and several blog-able ideas have been percolating in my mind, with no other constructive outlet. Rather than jump in right away, … Continue reading
Do Unto Others…
On my second day of class, I missed the bus (actually it’s a shuttle, but saying I missed the bus sounds more dramatic). Amy drove me to the seminary, and we got stuck in traffic, so I walked into class … Continue reading
1st Week in Jersey: Recap
118611851181 Well, we’ve survived a week here in Princeton, and it hasn’t even seemed that difficult (yet). Of course, Summer Greek hasn’t started yet, tuition bills and grocery bills and other bills haven’t found their way to our new address … Continue reading
Posted in Autobiographical, Beer, Community, Family, Friends, Life, Travel
Liveblogging GA218 from the Wrong Coast
For Presbyterians, General Assembly is part family reunion, part mega-convention, and part election day. It happens every two years, and decides a bunch of issues and proposed resolutions, as well as elects a Moderator (kind of like a cross between … Continue reading
Posted in Blogging, Life, Presbyterian, Superheroes
Tagged Bruce Reyes-Chow, General Assembly, moderator, PC(USA)