Monday, July 04, 2005

Message to the Black Team and Meeting Number Three

Here we are again, coming up on the third summer session. I'll start with a message to any and all black team members who read this blog:

To the Black Team:
Anything you might have heard about a meeting on Tuesday (Gisela), forget it. We're meeting early on Wednesday, so that Coach Weatherford can go over the math. I know you guys were confused, don't try to hide it. You need to be there at about 11:45 a.m. Yes, in the morning. It'll be worth it; the math will be fresh in your brains when we get ready to test. Plus, none of you will be late when the real meeting starts. That being said...

To Sunset Academic Decathlon as a whole:
We are having our third summer session this Wednesday, July 6th, in Portable A from 1-4 p.m. For starters, we'll be taking two tests, one over some basic and general math concepts, the other over one of the plays, Much Ado About Nothing. After we test, we'll probably go over the tests, as well as go over some anatomy and physiology, which is the Science theme this year. Also, if time permits, Coach Weatherford will go over some more math, namely, trigonometric functions. All in all, it should be barrels of fun.

By the way, if you think I over did the bold, I did it because I find that some people get bored reading long posts. The bold covers most of the really important points.

Quick Breakdown:
What: Third Summer Session
When: Wednesday, July 6th, 2005 from 1-4 p.m.
Where: Portable A
Tests: Math, Much Ado About Nothing
Bring: Pencils/Pens, Paper, 3-4 dollars for pizza, and all the resources you possess


At 12:09 PM, Gisela said...

Hy i never told anybody about the supposed meeting on Tuesday i had only told you. Well i guess now everyone knows about what i had said. And i apologize to my fellow classmates if i confused you. Oh and to you too, Jonathan, for being mean to you. I am very sorry!!... Oh and Noemi as well. im sorry.

At 9:46 PM, Neal Locke said...

Don't worry about it, Gisela. Everyone's mean to Jonathan...

At 12:07 AM, Ana said...

Wow I am impressed. I hope that when regionals come around the team will look as impressive as this blog.

At 12:16 AM, Jonathan said...

We can only wait and hope, Ana...

At 8:15 PM, Noemi said...

who deleted my comment?


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