[Part II of my application for Candidacy in the PC(USA) Ordination Process]
I trust in one God who is the creator and sustainer of all worlds. I trust—even when I do not necessarily understand—that this one God is also somehow three: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As such, God reigns over all; God loves all.
I trust in Jesus Christ, fully human and fully divine, sent by God to walk among us. He gathered crowds and small groups, using the technology and familiar images of his day to convey God’s love and reign to all. He particularly embraced those labeled by society as outcasts and unbelievers. He visited the sick and comforted the suffering. He challenged powerful institutions, calling them out on oppressive bureaucracy and legalism, and back to the heart of their best traditions. Ultimately, he was subjected to betrayal, torture, and execution. He willingly accepted a fate he did not deserve, so that we might know mercy and grace, and through this act be once and for all awakened to God’s love, saved and redeemed. I trust that God raised Jesus from death into life, giving hope and reassurance for the life to come, and the life today: We are a resurrection people.
Jesus promised that his presence would remain, even when his physical form did not. Because of this, I trust in the Holy Spirit, who comforts, guides, and binds together God’s people in all places. I trust that God calls together faithful believers in every age to be the church: To worship, pray, fellowship, study, and serve one another and the world. Through the teachings of the church, I recognize two sacraments: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, which serve as the signs and seals of my faith.
I read these things in God’s written word, the Bible, which testifies to Christ, God’s living word. I trust in the scriptures and the church as faithful guides to direct my paths closer and closer to God’s Kingdom.
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