Monday, July 11, 2005

Antony & Cleopatra (play #2)

Here's the online copy--so start reading:

Antony & Cleopatra

We'll test over it the meeting after next, August 3rd (our summer grand finale!). Since you don't have any tests next meeting, it would be really smart to get this out of the way with, before we hit you with Art, Music, Anatomy & Physiology, and more Economics...

Just as a side note, I met an Acadec kid who goes to Frisco High School--he told me that they have written summaries and timelines for all seven subjects due by the end of summer, or they get cut from the program entirely! (Just in case you thought we were working you too hard).

Regardless, Sunset is, as always, the best--and we're going to win District this year. Yes, that means you. Now get busy!


At 7:10 PM, J. Grimes said...

Let me add a plug for Antony and Cleopatra: if you liked Romeo and Juliet, you will love Antony and Cleopatra--now there is a pair of REAL lovers!

Antony is a stud compared to the wimpy Romeo, and Cleopatra is a pool shark who is not afraid of deadly snakes! It doesn't get any better than this--and it may be Shakespeare's best play.


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