Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Week After The Beginning

Week two came and went, as did economics, lit, and music. Economics scores were really good, while music and lit were mediocre. There were a lot of changes in this week's ranks, so if you dropped don't panic, remember it's just week two, you can still turn things around. Okay, I am sure you are all dying to know what your rank is, so without any further ado, here are this week's ranks:

Overall Individual Scores, Fall 2006, Week Two

This upcoming week will prove to be a very important one, after seeing changes in ranks, I am sure most of you will do something to change it yet again, and then the wonderful competition in AcaDec commences.

As an added plus to this post, for any team captain reading this, t-shirt designs are due Monday, so I hope you all have your designs ready.

Good job overall decathletes on a great second week, and prepare for a third one.


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